Save the ocean: protect species! The vast oceans are home to a fascinating diversity of marine life, essential for the ecological balance of our planet.
However, numerous marine species face alarming threats due to rampant human activity, climate change and pollution.
The impact of these actions is profound and the need for awareness and protection is more urgent than ever.
In this space, the main marine species currently at risk of extinction are explored, revealing surprising and worrying data about their situation.
From majestic blue whales to tiny corals, each organism plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem and their loss can trigger cascading effects that affect all ocean life.
In addition to identifying threatened species, the main causes of their vulnerability are also discussed.
Overfishing, degradation of marine habitats, ocean acidification and plastic pollution are just some of the threats these creatures face on a daily basis. Understanding these causes is the first step to finding effective solutions.
This content also highlights initiatives and actions that individuals, communities and governments can take to help preserve these species.
From sustainable consumption practices to environmental protection policies, there are many ways to contribute to the health of the oceans.
Discover how small changes in our behavior can have a big impact on preserving marine life.